Why You Should Never Waste Near Expiry Milk

Why You Should Never Waste Near Expiry Milk

Listen up! Next time you have free coupon codes for milk buy as much as you can without thinking about the expiry. If all the milk bottles you see on a discount are near expiry, buy it. Now, you must be in a shock that why are we suggesting you invest in something that can

Listen up! Next time you have free coupon codes for milk buy as much as you can without thinking about the expiry. If all the milk bottles you see on a discount are near expiry, buy it. Now, you must be in a shock that why are we suggesting you invest in something that can go waste in a few days? Well, we are not because it won’t go wasted. There are plenty of things that you can do with milk learn them all and thanks us later.

There are days when a gallon of milk remains untouched and looms towards its expiry. A gallon almost cost $4 on regular price, and when we talk about frugal living, every single penny is important. We dedicate hours to find best coupon codes so; we can save a few dollars then why to waste them? Let’s grasp what we can do with this ready-to-go-bad milk.

Make Happiness For Breakfast

Almost all of the recipes of pancakes require eggs and milk. So, you can make loads of pancakes and save them for later. Freeze your pancakes for quick breakfast fixes. Make sure to place a sheet of wax paper between each cake to avoid them from sticking together. This way you won’t have to thaw the entire batch every time you want some. And yes! Pancakes are directly proportional to happiness.

Hot Chocolate For A Win

Okay! This one is weather specific. In winters or even in fall who doesn’t love a steaming mug of hot chocolate? We all do… use a big crockpot to make lots of hot chocolate and don’t expect it to last long because it won’t. No one’s going to stop drinking until it ends. So, use all the free coupon codes on near expiry milk in the winters and have a stream-less supply of your winter super drink.

Shine Your Silver

Even if it has already gone bad or expire, you don’t have to throw it away. Sour milk can make a great mixture for silver polish. Add citrus or vinegar a splash in sour milk, and you have your silver polish ready. Soak the silver in the mixture, take out, wash, rinse, and let dry to see the magic.

Make Corns Sweeter

Sometimes we end up finishing a whole bottle, and a cup or two remained unused. We have a solution for that too. Use it to boil the corn it will make your corn on the cobb yummy by adding sweetness to it. Eight ears of corn require 7 cups of water and a single cup of milk. This is the average ratio for the best taste, enjoy!

Thaw Thy Fish

We all keep fish in the freezer and when it is time to cook it rejects to thaw. We may never know why our fishes are so stubborn, but we sure know how to combat their arrogance. Put the fish in the milk, and it’ll thaw out, milk can also be used to bread fish and chicken, and it turns out delicious.

Bathe Like Cleopatra

The wonderful benefits of whole fat milk for the skin are undeniable. It is the natural exfoliator and makes skin super soft. Hunt down the best coupon codes you can find and use them to get milk jars. If you already have extra milk that is near its expiry use it.

Freeze the milk in a muffin tin once it is frozen keep the milk discs in a plastic freezer bag and use one for each bath. After bathing from the milk apply baby lotion all over your body, and you will have the baby soft skin until the next wash.

A Repairing Conditioner

Now, that we are talking about the beauty benefits of milk how could we not mention that it minimizes the damage done to hair? After every time you shampoo use 1/8 cup of milk on your skull and rinse. You’ll notice the change in the first wash.

End Note

These are the few things that you can do with milk. We are sure there are several more as milk is one of the food items that have countless benefits. Be it health wise or be it beauty wise milk has been used since centuries and it has proven its worth in our lives. There is no chocolate without milk, no ice-cream, no cheese, and no yogurt; milk is literally used religiously on a daily basis.

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